ECE Students who are appearing for this academic year sem exams should download the B.Tech ECE Study materials via the direct links provided on this page.Simply tap on the link and get the Bachelor of Technology Study materials in PDF formats for ECE course.So practice important questions and topics from the given Btech notes easily when you wish and secure more marks in the semester examination.
- Mathematics 1
- Applied chemistry
- Technical English Communication
- Engineering drawing
- Problem Solving and programming using C
- Engineering Mechanics
- Electronic Workshop
- Mathematics 2
- Complex Variables and Vector Calculus
- Network Analysis
- Wave Optics and Semiconductor Physics
- Data Structures
- Constitution of India
- Engineering Drawing
- Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis
- Electronic Devices and Circuits
- Signals and Systems
- Analog Electronic Circuits
- Analog Electronic Circuits
- Switching Theory and Logic design
- Digital Ic Circuits
- Intro to Python programming
- Random Variables and Stochastic Process
- Environmental Science
- Mini Project